Connect Academy is a three-year, intentional program unpacking the essentials of Christianity within the context of community. Here, participants will benefit from spiritual formation practices as well as leadership development opportunities, grapple with what it means to live missionally, and engage in bible study and explore Wesleyan doctrine.
Connect Academy meets Wednesday evenings, from 6:30-8:00 pm, October through May with holiday breaks. It is our hope and prayer that by committing to this Connect Academy you will be taking a step closer to Jesus than ever before. No matter where you’re coming from in this journey of following Jesus, new follower or longtime follower, this academy is designed to help each of us follow him more. While we only ask that you commit to one year (two semesters) at a time, we strongly believe that the best use of this academy is to complete all three years consecutively.

Connecting with God’s Story
(Fall Session)
Focuses on the epic story of the Bible, and helps you discover scripture as one, big story of God’s love and grace.
Connecting with the Basics
(Spring Session )
Explores the fundamental truths of the Christian faith. Many times we say what we believe, but we don’t fully understand those beliefs. As we focus on these basic beliefs we will see them more permanently etched into our hearts, minds, and souls.
YEAR A (2020-21)
YEAR B (2021-22)
Connecting with the Image of God
Within Me (Fall Session)
Discover how God has specifically created you. You have been strategically placed and wonderfully made, with God-given gifts, talents, personalities, and abilities. We will guide you in discovering the strengths which God has gifted you, and how you can more fully live into them.
Connecting with the Basics
(Spring Session )
Examine the way that God has created you to connect with him on a personal, intimate level. Discover which spiritual practices best help you connect with God in this season of life, and which practices you may feel called to experience in future seasons.
Connecting with God’s Mission
(Fall Session)
See how you can get threaded into God’s story of redeeming people from every tribe, tongue, and nation. This isn’t a semester about missions, but a semester about how every believer can be intimately woven into the story of God using his people to be a blessing to all the peoples of the earth.
Connecting with God’s World
(Spring Session)
This is where the rubber truly meets the road. Throughout our time together we will start to train and prepare for a cross-cultural mission experience in late Spring or early Summer. Together we will dive deeper into the practical aspects of going out in mission, what that looks like, and how to do it.
YEAR C (2019-20)